This is a 52 year old Harrisburg female with excess skin on her neck that bothers her.
A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure that improves sagging loose fatty skin or abnormal contours of the neck created by muscle banding. Hence a neck lift is an outstanding procedure to eliminate cosmetic concerns of the apparent “turkey wattle” or double chin.
A facelift, or rhytidectomy, is a surgical procedure to minimize the effects of aging by reshaping the face and removing some excess skin. Through the natural course of aging, the skin loses its youthful tone while also developing wrinkles and lines. The face starts developing jowls, which give the front view of the face a more boxy appearance, where without those jowls a V shaped contour looks more youthful. A facelift is a superior procedure to minimize these effects of the aging process. While it will not stop the aging process, it does restore the face to a more youthful appearance. A traditional facelift will also improve the neck.