Breast Fat Grafting
Breast augmentation by fat grafting.
There are several situations where this works best. Usually, a patient under 40 years of age who has smaller breasts (A or B) with breast asymmetry, this method can work well at achieving symmetry and slight enhancement. Breast augmentation patients who have an implant that can be seen in the upper pole can conceal the implant with fat grafting in the upper pole.
The fat grafting to the breast can result in fat necrosis (dead fat lumps) in the breast with oil cysts (this is a rare complication). The problem with this complication is the confusion during a mammogram; there can be calcifications seen which might look like cancer calcifications. The radiologist might recommend a biopsy due to how it looks. I generally recommend women over 40 years of age avoid this type of breast augmentation procedure. Breast fat grafting does not cause cancer.
The procedure is also not a guarantee of size. Usually, an increase in 1 cup size can be achieved. The breast is generally ‘natural’ with the nipple pointing lower and not perky. As much as 50% of the grafted fat can be lost in the first month after surgery.
The benefit is that the breast enhancement is natural and uses your own fat.