About Brow Lift Surgery
Dr. Theodore T. Foley performs brow lift surgery (browplasty) at Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery of Central Pennsylvania in Camp Hill, PA, to improve the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines in the upper face. This procedure is also referred to as a forehead lift and utilizes advanced techniques to correct unwanted signs of aging by removing excess skin. This excess skin is removed and tissue is reposition to create a smoother, more youthful appearance. Deep creases, folds, and wrinkles can cause you to look older then you are or you may appear to be tired or angry. The brow lift can change the shape of your brows and give you a refreshed and rejuvenated look. The procedure can be done alone or can be combined with other procedures, such as eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), a facelift, eyelid tuck, and facial resurfacing procedures. As a board-certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Foley has extensive experience in brow lift surgery. This minimally invasive procedure can dramatically improve your appearance and create a natural lift that enhances your facial features.
Best Candidates
While the injectable Botox, which is also available for the patient pursuing rejuvenation without surgery, can smooth out forehead lines and even lift up the brows slightly, any significant drooping of the brows and deep furrows can be better corrected with a brow lift.
The best candidates for brow lift surgery are men and women who have:
- Overall good health
- Noticeable forehead wrinkles
- Droopy eyelids or brows
- Low eyebrows that look tired or unhappy
- Sagging or drooping brows that create a sad or angry expression
- Deep horizontal lines and grooves along the forehead
- Deep frown lines or furrows between the brows
- Excess skin hanging over the eyes
- Obscured upper eyelids because of sagging brows
What to Expect
During your initial consultation, the doctor will examine the overall health of your skin and examine the wrinkles, creases, and folds in your forehead to determine the best procedure to meet your needs.
In most cases, this procedure is performed under general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. An endoscopic brow lift is a minimally invasive procedure that involves using an endoscope to access the tissues and muscle beneath the skin through very small incisions made around the hairline. This helps to eliminate creases and furrows around the forehead, restoring a smooth appearance.
A traditional brow lift is performed by making a coronal incision where an incision is made around the top of the head from each ear. Dr. Foley can then lift the forehead skin around this area and adjust the muscles. The incision is easy to conceal under the hair. Results are fairly noticeable once the swelling and bruising have subsided.
Other Considerations
Following brow lift surgery, swelling and bruising is expected on and around the forehead and eyes. You can expect this to subside after 1-2 weeks. It may take 3-4 weeks following the procedure before you can see signs of improvement.

Goodbye to Frown Lines
Brow lift surgery can restore your youthful, happy appearance by diminishing wrinkles and smoothing the upper face. We offer a number of different advanced brow lift techniques to remove frown lines and make you look happy and alert. If you would like to treat signs of aging and feel younger, schedule a brow lift surgery consultation to learn more about how it could help you.
Cost of Brow Lift
The cost of a Brow Lift ranges on average from $3,460. If you are comparing prices between different plastic surgery practices, make sure you are comparing the fees which include all aspects of your upcoming surgery. These prices include the physician, anesthesia, and facility fees assuming that your surgery is being completed in a surgery center. If your surgery needs to be performed at the hospital, the fees will be ~$1500-$2000 more depending on the procedure, the surgical time, and whether or not you choose to stay overnight at the hospital. Also, your best choice for a cosmetic procedure of any kind is to choose a plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Theodore Foley, who is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and who is local to you. Not only will you receive the best surgical care that way, but you will also receive the best postoperative care. At Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery of Central PA, we encourage patients to call for a complimentary personal consultation with our plastic surgeon so a customized quote can be prepared for you by our staff. For more information on payment options at our practice, check out our Payment Information page by clicking here.
Related Procedures
Prices are subject to change and are our current estimate of the price which is inclusive of physician, facility, anesthesia at a surgical center. Some procedures, which do not require anesthesia, may be done at our office and would not then entail an anesthesia fee. If patients need to have their surgery at a hospital, prices are typically more expensive and will be outlined after consultation.